Tuesday, May 10, 2011

DAY SEVEN/EIGHT: 30 Days to a No-Regrets Life

This is one person’s personal journey through the challenge of living life as though it would end within a month. For me, I have really been doing a lot of thinking . . . obviously, not a lot of blogging. Its difficult to live in this mindset AND write about it . . . it takes time away from the living part! Sorry about that for those who are along for the ride with me. I will pick us up quickly and we will keep going. So, keep up! J
          As for me, the last week has been very busy. I worked a couple of 12 hour days, enjoyed my favorite out of the country guests, and then a couple of other things I added in on my own . . . like GETTING A PUPPY! It was a cure for ever wanting another baby, just in case that feeling happens as I am nearing the time for my kids to fly from our nest . . . AND it was time for a new man in my life. So, I got a non-shedding, low-key, adorable purse puppy that will not get over 10 lbs . . . and of course, I named him, “Swayze.” He is precious and has brought a lot of light back into our house. Not that it was dark, but he has changed the energy. For one thing, we go outside several times a day and I honestly cannot remember the last time I just hung out in my yard. My yard is really pretty . . .
Simply getting him got me out of the house and on a 10 hr road trip by myself, which is not common for me. But he was in Missouri, and I am in Tennessee. (That was another thought provoker as I drove through the flood devastation.) Anyway, he is doing well, we are all in love and he is the man of the house. He is small, black and cuter than anyone could imagine. That tempted me to change his name to “Usher,” but I decided to stick with my man, Swayze.
Little Swayze is going through all of his own transitions as he adapts to life without his furry mom and brothers. His new, human mom and sisters are good, but sometimes he still cries for the four-legged ones . . . I can tell.
That sums up why I am behind on my blogging. Now its time to catch up . . .
I will go through 2-3 days per entry. Hang on!!

Day SEVEN: Thawing out your frozen dreams . . .
This chapter had some great points about our dreams and desires. It parallels our dreams to a Dreamsicle/popsicle. It seems that they often melt away or stay in the back of the freezer until they have freezer burn. The interesting point is indeed puzzling . . . The question is how do we know WHICH dreams to chase? Which ones are planted for our overall purpose in life and which ones are selfish?
Well, if we do not believe in God, I suppose that question would not matter; but for those who are here to fulfill a higher calling, it REALLY matters. I want to be living the dreams that were meant to be a part of my legacy and my creation . . .
The authors say that the indication of God’s smile upon our dreams is that we will realize the dream is too big and we cannot do it on our own. If we can accomplish it ourselves with little effort and no faith, it’s not looking like “THE dream.” God’s dream makes a difference in the lives of others.
For example:
·        Make lots of $, retire early, live in luxury = not God’s dream.
·        Make lots of $ to help others, retire early to start a new career God has called you to do = sounds more God prompted.
     I can see where this is very confusing when a person feels a desire on his/her heart. It can become an obsession and FEEL like a calling. To me, the red light indicator is if the dream boosts the person into a “successful, spotlight” place. The green light is if it glorifies God. Selfish recognition and pride can be quite driving. In other words, if a person’s “dream” will destroy the quality of another, or other, lives . . . it is now a nightmare. God is not in the business of destroying families. If the dream does that, chances are high that God didn’t send the desire.
The flip side of that is for the person with the great desire who needs to restrain from pursuing it. That is a devastating, confusing loss. Why would we have such a strong desire for something/dream if it could be so devastating? It is a sad loss. The only solution is to wait and see what door God opens as He reveals our heart’s desires geared in an even better direction. He has a plan and it’s well thought out. That desire WILL be put to good use in His time. We must remember, “Good things come to those who wait.”
Waiting stinks, but instant gratification usually leaves as quickly as it came. If it is on our heart, we know it, believe it and keep an open eye for a God door to open in HIS time. There is a difference in burying/forgetting a dream and looking forward to a dream. Then, on the other hand . . . I really do not want all of my dreams to come true right now; they keep a fire burning within me! Leaving things in a dream-state keeps them perfect. There is a silent benefit there.
  That reminds me of a story I heard, but I am not certain it is true . . . There was a man who could not stop thinking about women's legs, though he was happily married. He tried to pull the good and meaning of such an odd obsession. As fate would have it, he would eventually be the creator of pantyhose! True or not, that's the idea.

Day EIGHT: Feeling overwhelmed and powerless is common. (Good to know . . .)
Our lives could be easier than we make them. The concept given in this chapter is a Motocross bike/race. We COULD walk beside the bike and PUSH it up and down the hills and turns. This will accomplish exhaustion and not have the best outcome, BUT, we “DID IT ALL BY OURSELVES!!!” Who wants that?! The point is that God’s power is just as available to us as kick starting that engine and going full speed ahead. We just think we need to do it all ourselves. It is only when we are too tired and exhausted to take one more step that we seek help. No need to wait that long . . . the help was there all along.
Then, sometimes there is a crash on the track . . . Possibly, this is why we all think we should push our bikes? The truth is that we WILL fail/crash. Success comes from learning to overcome failure. As Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that DON’T work.”
My #1 personal experience was a seemingly wonderful relationship that went bad. I stepped out and took a chance and it did not go well. After I recuperated, I wrote a book. I had never written over 20 consecutive pages; then, I wrote over 300. AND, I learned how NOT to make the same mistakes again. Failure is not final or fatal. There are 2nd chances. We have to get back on the bike and keep a humble spirit.

That’s the end of the first segment, “Living Passionately.”

22 more days,

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