I prayed
for God to give me a second child,
Him again, I’d do my very best.
Makes me
wish trying hard or having the right intention,
the grade and if I passed that test.
I hope
you feel you’ve had a good childhood,
And that
I was a good mother to you.
But for
me there are some things that could’ve been better,
things you possibly never knew.
I carry a
bit of regret and shame,
this time of your youth.
I’d like
to say you had all your sister did,
But I
wouldn’t be telling the truth.
Your baby
book has empty spaces,
And you
didn’t get as much one on one attention.
There are
many things that weren’t the same as your sister,
Too many
to even mention.
I didn’t spend
as much time playing,
or reading nursery rhyme books.
There aren’t
nearly as many photos,
all of your changing little girl looks.
having another child,
were other things on my plate.
I opened
a business when you were one,
me gone at night too late.
business seemed like a blessing at the time,
many along the way.
it ended up costing me a lot,
nothing to show for it today.
It was costly in the sense of money,
But no
dollar is that important to me.
expense that hit me hardest
Was lost
time with my family.
I took on
too much responsibility at one time,
But, “my
heart was in the right place.”
Too bad
there are no points for that either,
At the
end of this parenting race.
You were
nine when I finally closed the doors,
me feeling like I missed eight years of your life.
the year earlier held the biggest change,
When your
Mommy was no longer your Daddy’s wife.
the fact that I was preoccupied with working
For most
of your elementary years,
I was not
always physically or emotionally available
To help
console you or calm your fears.
At times
if I was physically present,
I’d still
be a million miles away.
Lost at
sea in my own grief,
Trying to
hold the worst of it at bay.
You were
too young to understand,
honestly, I was too.
We just
found a way to make it day to day,
Doing the
best we could do.
In the
process of this tsunami,
I failed
to keep that promise from years ago.
promised God if He would give you to me,
I’d make
sure all about Him you would know.
promised to raise you as one of His,
you all of His glorious ways.
one of my worst and hardest times during the divorce
Seemed to
always happen on Sundays.
When you
were little and we were a family of four,
was a common place we would go.
You went
to a Sunday school class,
Wearing a
cute dress and matching bow.
learned and sang about Jesus,
We were
off to a good start.
Then, not
having a whole family to walk through those doors …
It seemed
to rip out another chunk of my heart.
I cowered
to the sadness and hurt,
Going to
church was more than I could take.
I knew it
then, and I know it now,
That was
the worst decision I could make.
You were
already robbed of the life you knew,
At such a
young and important age.
For many
years I’ve felt the guilt of not taking you,
When you
were in the early, developmental stage.
continued to say prayers with you,
Mainly at
night before you went to sleep.
But I’ve
known all this time, that wasn’t enough,
the echo of the promise I didn’t keep.
sister made the decision to follow God at a young age,
So I
hoped you would do the same.
You did
not, but there was a valid reason for this …
Lack of
exposure was most likely to blame.
I began
to think and worry,
people what I should do.
I was
assured time and time again not to fret about it,
That is a
decision between God and you.
Now you
are fifteen and a total beauty,
I doubt a
person would disagree.
You bring
a light and energy to our world,
with a smile on your face; happy as can be.
I guess
your sister may say she had it harder,
Because I
was too strict when she was a teen.
I worried
about things I could not control,
safety, friends and everything in between.
I am
trying not to make some of the same mistakes twice,
At least
if it is something I can change or do another way.
So, when
you asked me to let your friend drive you to church,
I fought
everything within me, hesitantly saying, “Okay.”
never let you or your sister ride with friends.
It’s a
solid Mommy rule.
closest I ever came to an exception,
letting your sister drive you to school.
This is
me trying to control that which I cannot,
Thank you,
Anxiety and Fear.
One day,
I will learn I cannot always keep you safe,
But for
now, it’s still not very clear.
As usual,
I had to work late last Monday night.
there was a special event at church this week.
called The Crusade, which means:
Lots of
teens, loud music, and different guests there to speak.
I found
myself between a rock and a hard place,
decision had to be made.
Make you
stay home where I knew you were safe?
Or let a
child drive you to the church Crusade?
The first
instinct came quickly and easily,
“No. You
cannot ride with a child so young.”
something prompted me to think it through,
So I did
... and held my tongue.
I allowed
you, my child, to do this,
To my
surprise and yours as well.
because I put my trust in God,
There is
quite the story to tell.
You girls
made it there and back safely,
Though I
was thinking, This is a little late.
It was a
few minutes after 9:30.
27, 2014 was the date.
You and
your friend came to the door,
beaming like a light.
weren’t even all the way in before saying,
Taylor and I both got saved tonight.”
You had
both went forward at church,
And asked
Jesus into your heart.
You were
so empowered by your decision,
And this
new life you will now start.
I hugged
you both and congratulated you,
hugged you both again.
Two girls
looking simultaneously young and mature,
Sweet faces
adorned with a permanent grin.
I pray
you hold on tightly to these feelings,
them deep within your mind.
You will
need this inner power in the coming years,
peace will be hard to find.
On the
days life gets too hard to endure,
And there
seems to be no end in sight.
Don’t try
to stand up, Baby Girl,
down for that fight.
Do not
turn to anything or anyone in your despair,
Though it
will be a tempting thing to do.
times you will learn the most in life,
there is only God and you.
There is
never a place you can go to escape His love,
I promise
you, He will always be there.
He is
with us through the good times and bad,
Even when
we are too broken to care.
will be people in your path,
God and Jesus are not real.
He will
be compared to a make believe world,
Or called
nothing more than a feeling that you feel.
It may be
easy to believe this when bad things happen,
you to ask, How and why?
At times
you’ll simply want a tangible person to talk to,
Or hold
you when you cry.
None the
less, be respectful of others and their beliefs,
you agree and understand them or not.
everyone’s understanding and approval is trivial,
understand more when God is all you’ve got.
You are
at square one right now,
absolute best place to be.
When you
doubt your faith later in life,
back to this archive in your memory.
Remember when
you were fifteen …
your eyes and travel down memory lane.
Tap into
this reservoir of faith and hope,
it to erase your doubt and pain.
It seems
the older and wiser we become,
We make
it harder than it should be.
why Jesus tells us who are tainted by this world,
you become like children, heaven you’ll never see.”
Thank you
for being the beacon of light,
these powerful words to me.
It was
great to be reminded and refreshed,
my child’s unknowing, innocent ministry.
I hope I
will never forget the details of that night,
It was a
breath of needed fresh air to my soul.
A clear
depiction that not all things are bad,
When they
are out of my control.
“Out of
my control” means only one thing,
And it
will mean the same for you.
It means
God Almighty will take care of it all;
remember that, my sweet Kendy Lou Who.
I love
you so much,
Beautifully written!
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