I am slowly getting the hang of my new mindset. I am certain that I am no where near as passionate about living my life with only 27 days remaining as I should be. It is a little tricky to wrap my mind around such a huge concept without going overboard.
Before I get to what I have studied for DAY THREE, here are a few thoughts:
I want to welcome ETHAN’S ARMY! I see where many from the troop have already visited! J I sure do love you guys!!!! ({wink} Shhhh!! ;))
As far as my mindset, I have caught myself linking what I am doing to concepts in two movies, The Bucket List and Yes Man. The 30 day challenge seems to be a mixture of those 2 movies. The Bucket List is obviously a list of things to do before kicking the bucket . . . and Yes Man is about learning to try new things. ALWAYS saying yes and NEVER saying no. (I’m not sure what you can do with those random thoughts, but there they are . . .)
For my 3rd day, I did better than the 2nd. I pushed through some things I have put off doing for awhile. That made me squirm a time or two, but I really felt better once the deeds were done. Sometimes I tend to avoid things that I know will certainly receive a negative response. It is kind of like getting a shot. Its going to hurt, so just do it already! Anyway, if my time on earth ended in less than a month, I would want to play and have fun, but I would also want to tie up as many loose ends as possible . . . so I did a few of them.
A change I made yesterday was pertaining to my daughters’ tumbling practice. Their father has been taking them a lot lately; though I am not sure how that change happened.
I remember that at one time in my life, I could not imagine a mother NOT taking her child to practice and it almost angered me when the parent left. I thought, “Why does the parent not watch?! What if the child does something REALLY good and they miss it? Or, what if the child gets injured?!”
Somewhere between that day and yesterday, I became that mom . . . the one who did not stay and watch.
So, since I would REGRET that opportunity if something happened to me or one of my girls, I went to practice and watched it all. My girls were happy to have me there and they both did a great job. Even though my new bad habit (of not going) has only been in place about a year or so, I had already forgotten what it was like to sit with a group of parents proudly watching the kids. It also rekindled how great it felt to watch my little girls out there with all of the other children.
Thinking about it, my transformation is a dramatic change from the “me” I claim to be and who thought I was. It was a slow fade. The Kasi I have always been rarely missed any opportunity. In fact, I was appalled when the nurses tried to take my newborn babies to the nurseries after their births. I immediately set them straight by saying, “No way. Thanks, but I have waited 9 months to meet this baby. You are not getting her first moments, I AM! I’m not THAT tired.”
Sleep was of little to no concern to me, even after 21 hours of labor. I did not want to miss anything. I love that part of me . . . I need to bring it back.
Anyway, last night we walked out of their class to the car and that was when I realized what I had done. I REGRETFULLY locked my keys in the car. I used that opportunity to teach my children the valuable lesson of always making sure you have your keys before locking any door. There are better ways to spend $75 than on a locksmith. They were very kind as they waited outside with me for 30 minutes after practice was over until help could arrive. WE MADE A MEMORY!
We DID do prayers and talk time last night. I was asked some very interesting questions . . .
These things stood out to me:
- The authors compare us to a billionaire. His endless supply of $ is the same as our endless time. We think we have an abundance of time; therefore, we may not monitor it as closely. The point is that we are more likely to let extra time or $ slip through the cracks. When either of them becomes scarce or threatened, we not only buckle down, but we begin clipping coupons! Time and money . . . One is tangible, one is not . . . but their value is equal.
- Time management and energy management go hand in hand. When we increase our energy, we multiply what we can do. Just because someone “works” an 18 hour day does not mean he/she accomplished as much as an effective person in half the time. Possibly, work-a-holism stems from poor energy management. Quantity vs. quality. “Not talking about how to add years to your life but rather how to add life to your years.”
- Find out what consumes most of your time each day. From the statistic board of Kasi M. Bryon, I would like to vote: Facebook as #1 . . . TV as #2 . . . and smoking as #3. People would be amazed if they simply turned off FB access from their phones. It steals the invisible, idle time. That time could be A VERBAL DISCUSSION WITH SOMEONE.
- The 80/20 Principle: Only 20% of total activity produces 80% of the work. Basically, 80% of our time is wasted if we were to scale it out.
- Productivity paradox: Conditioned to believe that in order for our time to be worthwhile, we must have something to show for it. We must “produce” something. (That is sounding eerily familiar to my inability to play games.) People cannot enjoy relaxing by a pool, going for a walk, etc, because there is nothing to show for it.
- Even the Creator rested. It is intended to be a part of our design and is something we need for balance. None of us would presume to be more productive than God, yet we act as though we cannot afford to stop.
- The Shooks suggest keeping a journal about how we spend each day and rate what we accomplished and what we experienced.
- We do time wasting things by default. Once we discover what they are, we can recognize when we do them and replace them with something productive. I like the concept of finding productive PLUS some. For example, cleaning out my closet THEN taking the clothes to a domestic shelter for victims of abuse who have left everything to start over fresh . . . AND pumping up my kids to do the same. Everyone wins.
27 more days,
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