Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cleaning Out Closets

          Though I am a deep thinker, my mind is quite simplistic. This week, I had a revelation. It is regarding relationships, healthy and unhealthy ones, along with an uncanny similarity to them and the clothes/items in my closet.
          My closet is a cluttered mess. There are things in there that I have not used in years and even things I do not like. Yet, I keep them securely nestled in an area I visit daily. Why?
          I suppose there is some emotional attachment. Some things may hold memories to places I went because I wore them on the day I visited. Others may have had a larger price tag and I feel I am throwing away good money. Some things “once fit” and I think they may fit again one day. Then, there are things that have been in there so long they have become part of my closet in my mind.
          The reality is:

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Silent Love

Pa Pa was a quiet man.
Very few words did he say.
He sat silently in his chair,
Each and every day.

Pa Pa’s hearing was impaired
From years of a jack hammer’s use.
However, we knew that this was occasionally
Merely a convenient excuse.

It was funny how there were exceptions
When he could and couldn’t hear.
Somehow his ability coincidentally returned
Like when a small animal or child was near.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Time for New Year Resolutions…Let the Games Begin

Today officially begins the thrusting effort to dive into the completion of my novel. It is time for the re-write to commence.
As I have been allowing my labor of love to sit and marinate following it’s editing last summer, a repetitive question has been asked many times. “What’s going on with the book?”
          My pre-recorded response; “Nothing lately. I will get it back out at the end of the year or first of next year.”
          Well, here we are … it is the first of next year.
I wonder about resolutions. Having never been one to participate in making New Year’s resolutions, I decided to join in the festivities and make this book my NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION.
Possibly, the reason some of us are shy to such a declaration is fear. That chance of next December approaching and the scales still displaying the same weight, the unused gym membership access card evolving into a cruel reminder of our un-toned body, the bank account balance becoming smaller or debt accruing greater than it was in January, and so on. Who wants to look in those mirrors??