A big shout out to all you fellow codependent people!! It’s time to blog a little about this tendency, which only can be found in REALLY awesome people! J
First, I do NOT like labels. However, I fit this label to a T. If you look it up, you may see a photo of me smiling as I am trying to save the world, WHILE trying to keep everyone happy in the process. I have yet to figure out that cannot actually be done. That negative idea (the one that I cannot happily save the world and make sure everyone is happy) is depressing and deflating. (This is a red flag and prime example of a codependent’s thoughts!).
If you look up the definition of Codependency on the internet, you may find something like this:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Codependency is a tendency to behave in overly passive or excessively caretaking ways that negatively impact one's relationships and quality of life. It also often involves putting one's needs at a lower priority than others while being excessively preoccupied with the needs of others. Codependency may also be characterized by denial, low self-esteem, excessive compliance, and/or control patterns.In simple terms, a codependent person is also known as “an enabler.” We are the people who you can ask to do anything, and we will do it PLUS something extra. We cannot say no without feeling guilty. We are the people who pick up the slack if someone else is not doing their job . . . therefore ENABLING them to BE a slacker. In the long run, everybody loses. The codependent person is exhausted and feels taken advantage of AND the other person does not learn how to handle his/her own problems. Only through problem solving can we become a responsible, accountable, competent person. If there is an enabler around, one may not reach this place of pride because they never had to or never got the chance.
What can I say? Our hearts were in the right places!!
I have recently decided to get a grip on this part of my life, which I THOUGHT was simply a part of my personality. On top of that, I thought it was one of my God-given gifts and that I SHOULD sacrificially do whatever I saw needing to be done. I thought I was doing the right thing by trying to do everything for everybody at my own expense . . . as though I was CALLED to do it. Granted, there is a fine line between the two, but that line got muted out somewhere along the path of my life and now they look very similar. I don’t always know where I stop and someone else starts, or visa versa. That’s bad for me and you, if you happen to be the “other person.”
So now, I am in the process of doing a study in order to find the healthy line. It has been a great/terrible experience and I will share bits and pieces of what I am learning as I go. (Keep in mind, I am NOT a counselor and don’t claim to be. You are on your own if you are a fellow codependent, heart-in-the-right-place-enabler. Seek your own counselor! . . . Look at me not doing that for you!! See how well I’m paying attention?!)
Basically, the process is nothing more than having healthy boundaries. Those boundaries are just as much for me as those I come in contact with throughout my day. So far, I stink at it and I am in the pre-school phase . . . but I shall graduate with honors!!
I heard that most everyone has a little bit of codependent traits, but who knows? I only know I do. In class, I have learned to stop focusing on what other people’s issues are (or what I think they may be,) and deal with the chic in the mirror.
Ahh, “Self-Reflection.” There is no polite, proper way to say this other than to simply say it. Self-reflection sucks. Pardon the spiciness; just giving a fair warning in case you are considering trying it. If you attempt to really look at yourself and get to know who you are, what you are doing and why . . . it is not always pretty. I describe it as, “Getting to know someone and finding out you really do not like her very much . . . and that person is yourself.”
The absolute CRAZIEST part of this Codependency concept was a real shocker for me. One of the primary characteristics of Codependency is